Posted by: Team

Suturing Lessons

Recently, the Wornock family of Downtown Church hosted Heather and Kristina along with another Downtown Church member and friend, Cassie Ganus, at their home for an unusual meeting.  Dr. Wornock taught the new RNs and missionaries-to-be to suture, a skill that was not taught in nursing school but might be useful for future life in Africa.

Heather and Kristina were taught about suture supplies and materials, and the group discussed what kinds of substitutions could be made for typical materials when resources are limited.  Then the new nurses learned proper suturing techniques and wound treatment.  Heather and Kristina used expired suture brought from Dr Wornock’s clinic and they practiced suturing on pig’s feet that they bought at Sexton’s grocery.

Kristina got quite a look (as a pregnant woman) from the checkout person in the grocery line when she was buying three packages of pig’s feet, “They probably thought it was some wierd pregnancy craving,” she said.  Dr Wornock made various cuts in the pig’s feet with a scapel and oversaw Kristina and Heather as they sewed the “wounds” back up.  The girls practiced sewing straight lacerations as well as flaps and deep cuts.

The team is greatful to Dr Wornock for sharing his expertise and to the Wornock family for bearing the smell of pig’s feet in their home for the morning.  There are many skilled and gifted individuals at Downtown who have shared their gifts with the team in order to enrich our future ministry.  If you have a skill or an area of expertise that could help out the Makonde team, please contact one of us through our website or in person.  We want to learn as much from the Downtown family as we can before we leave in Septermber, and we believe that our church body is loaded with talent and skill that could enrich God’s mission that we are involved in.  In sharing these things with eachother, we truly work as the body of Christ to spread the Kingdom of God in our world.


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